Expectations For Higher Gold Prices – Fly In The Ointment

Expecting higher gold prices? Read on…

From Wikipedia:

“In English, the phrase fly in the ointment is an idiomatic expression for a drawback, especially one that was not at first apparent, e.g.

     We had a cookstove, beans, and plates; the fly in the ointment was the lack of a can opener.” 

For four centuries, ‘a fly in the ointment’ has meant a small defect that spoils something valuable or is a source of annoyance. The modern version thus suggests that something unpleasant may come or has come to light in a proposition or condition that is almost too pleasing; that there is something wrong hidden, unexpected somewhere.”

In general, with gold prices currently at $1500-1600 per ounce, the expectation among participants in the gold trade today is for much higher gold prices going forward. And most of them, I think, seem to believe it will happen sooner, rather than later; and quickly, too.

Their enthusiasm rests on two assumptions: 1) That the new unlimited amounts of cheap credit made available by the Federal Reserve is hugely inflationary. 2) That the effects of the inflationary avalanche will destroy the US dollar, thus resulting in higher gold prices.

On the surface, both statements are logical and rooted in correct fundaments. But there is a fly in the ointment.

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Cash Is King Right Now, Not Gold


Amidst the fallout of stock markets crashing worldwide, gold (silver, too) and oil imploding, and the scare of coronavirus, the dollar itself stands tall. That is not what some were expecting. Nevertheless, unrealistic expectations abound today, so let’s see what we can learn from this.

When investors sell en masse, they generally turn to cash as a resting place for their money. Cash for most people today still means US dollars. This implies an increase in demand for US dollars.  Gold investors and their advisors seem to have been expecting just the opposite.

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Gold And Stocks Headed Lower


Gold and stocks are moving south together; but they are not correlated. Nor, are they inversely correlated, as some gold enthusiasts claim.

Reference to gold as a safe haven has some investors buying gold to hedge against a stock market crash. It is almost as if gold has become a pseudo defensive stock.

It seems investors actually expect gold’s price to go up when the stock market goes down; and vice-versa.

If that were the case, how do you explain the extended periods when both moved together; or the price action of gold relative to stocks in the past four days? Gold currently is lower in price than it was before stocks tumbled nearly 4000 points.

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$1500 Gold Price Is Fair And Accurate

Is $1500 a reasonable price for gold? Some of the more ardent gold “bulls” might say no. A price of $2000 per ounce should sound better to them. That particular number is likely more popular because gold’s price didn’t quite get there eight years ago, stopping just shy of $1900 per ounce.

Similar behavior occurred after 1980, when gold’s price assent was stopped at $850. At that time, $1000 became the price projection of choice.

In both cases, the expectations for gold were likely born out of desire, rather than fundamentals.

So, how can we know what is a fair and accurate price for gold today – right now?

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A Lesson About Gold – How Bullish Can It Be?

A Lesson About Gold

Apparently, there is no limit. This seems especially true right now with all of the “obvious” signs and indicators staring you in the face. It is almost blasphemous to speak cautiously. Better to let your imagination run wild and join in the revelry.

I can’t do that. I don’t choose to be dumped into the same cauldron of boiling fantasy with other analysts and advisors, who tout and promote based on the latest headlines. There has to be more to it. I think there is.

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Gold Explodes, Then Implodes – Again


It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, because it has happened before.

Gold’s quick roundtrip from $1540 to $1610 and back again ($1539 earlier today) had its roots in actions and words between the United States and Iran. Prognosticators say there is more to come. Maybe; maybe not. But there is historical precedent for gold’s action.

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Gold Peaked In 1980

When gold’s price reached $850 per ounce in January 1980, it seemed as if nothing would stop the runaway train that was headed straight for $1000 per ounce. But it was stopped, and began sliding downhill quickly.

By June 1982, two and one-half years later, gold’s price had declined by sixty-five percent. At close to $300 per ounce, the price of gold seemed farther away from the $1000 mark than ever before.

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What If Gold Is Not In A New Bull Market?

What if it’s not a new bull market for gold? What if gold prices are going lower – not higher?

Think it can’t happen? Think again.

In December 1987, gold prices stood at just over $500.00 per ounce. They had been on a tear for the previous three years after hitting a post-peak low of just under $300.00 per ounce in February 1985.

The increase in gold’s price of $200.00 per ounce may not sound like much, but it represents a sixty-seven percent increase over that three year period. Coming on the heels of a similar percentage decline after reaching an all-time high of $850.00 per ounce in January 1980, it was a welcome salve for those who had been wounded so severely.

Proclamations of a new bull market were abundant.  Expectations for exceeding the old highs had some investors fantasizing rabidly. They were rudely disappointed.

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Price Of Gold Is A Reflection of US Dollar; Not US Dollar Index

Several articles by others recently have pointed out the apparent inconsistency of the US dollar’s action relative to the price of gold. For example, over the past year the US dollar Index has continued to strengthen, while gold has also risen in price.

That would seem to indicate that the US dollar’s value is not a primary factor in determining the price of gold. As we have said, though, the US dollar Index is not the same thing as the US dollar. The two are not interchangeable.

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For Gold, The Fed’s Decision Didn’t Matter


Pretty much everyone got it wrong.  Yes, they got the rate cut they were expecting; but as far as the price of gold is concerned, the Fed’s decision didn’t matter. The reason for this is that the focus on the Fed’s decision was misplaced.

It was a case of simple logic. But the logic was based on a faulty premise and led to unrealistic expectations.

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