5 Investments To Avoid In 2025


While most other analysts usually tell you where to invest, I prefer to tell you where NOT to do so; at least at this particular time. The backdrop of a deteriorating world economy, recurring financial catastrophes and the volatility which accompanies them, plus exacerbation of existing problems by governments and regulatory agencies, make it difficult to recommend investments on a fundamental basis.

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Comparing Bitcoin To Gold

Comparing Bitcoin To Gold – Store(s) Of Value?

Mark Cuban claims that Bitcoin is a better store of value than gold. Is he correct?

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Stocks, Bitcoin, Gold – How Much Are They Worth?


Stock prices, according to the S&P 500, are up seventy percent from their lows last April. The Nasdaq Composite at its most recent high point was up even more, sporting a ninety-five percent increase from its nadir. A number of individual stocks have done even better.

For the entire year 2020, however, stocks were up a more modest sixteen percent (S&P 500) and only seven percent for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

However, the outsized performance of the Nasdaq was even more apparent on a full calendar year basis. For 2020 the Nasdaq was up forty-three percent. Relative to its peers, the average Nasdaq stock was up more than three to four times as much as non-Nasdaq stocks.

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Bitcoin And Beyond – Price Vs. Value

Always searching, always relentless in the quest for more, bigger, better, etc. It is a never-ending thirst that cannot be quenched; a hunger that cannot be satisfied.

Today’s investor seems oblivious to whatever it was that brought us to this point in world civilization.  Economic fundamentals have taken a back seat to fantasy and hyperbolae.

Case in point: Bitcoin. 

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Is Bitcoin Money? Does It Have Value?


Writing about Bitcoin is a challenge for several reasons. It has a short history (ten years), it is highly complex, and there is a certain vagueness to the logic behind the concept. When reading about it, or listening to explanations, I wonder whether or not I understand it adequately. I also wonder how many others do.

Much has already been written and discussed, such that further commentary might be superfluous. But some additional perspective likely won’t hurt. So, for those who asked…

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