Gold And The Normalcy Bias


We think we know most (if not, all) of what we need to know about gold. Investors do their research and marketers spin their best yarn(s). Support is offered with an amazing array of fundamental and technical factors on display for all to see. But what are we not seeing?

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Chairman Powell – Give Me Just A Little More Time


In 1970, an R&B vocal group called Chairmen of The Board debuted their first single – Give Me Just A Little More Time

When I see Chairman Powell responding to questions about the Fed’s efforts to raise interest rates, including how effective their efforts are and when the expected/hoped for results will begin to show up, I hear the song playing in my mind.

What are the ‘hoped-for results’? In the Chairman’s words, “to return inflation to a range more in line with the Federal Reserve’s 2% target” or similar words to that effect. (see The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target Is Pointless) The implied purpose is to suppress inflation (more correctly, the effects of inflation) before it turns into something much worse, like runaway inflation or hyperinflation.

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Is $600 Gold Possible?


Over the past couple of months, since the posting of my article Gold Charts – $1450 the price of gold has done nothing to indicate a change in direction or reversal of any consequence.

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Gold Cannot Exceed Inflation’s Effects


Making such an absolute statement may sound bold; even arrogant to some. There is, however, perfectly sound fundamental reasoning underlying the claim. So before you dismiss it out of hand, hear me out.

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Silver – Dead In The Water for 40 Years


…and cheap; it’s a bargain! Buy it now before it goes to – $500? Seriously? One thing for sure; silver is cheaper now than it was the last time we heard such exuberant (irrational?) calls for action.

In fact, the lower the silver price goes, the more fervent are the claims and projections for ever higher and seemingly ridiculous prices. After more than forty years of calls for $100 silver (see $100 Silver – Nothing Has Changed) now we are being treated to fantasy projections of $500 oz.

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Gold – A Case Of Unrealistic Expectations


Question No. 1. What’s wrong with gold?

Question No.  2. Inflation is roaring and gold is dropping in price. Since gold is an inflation hedge, why isn’t its price going up?

If you need to ask either or both of those questions, then you are likely suffering from a case of unrealistic expectations involving gold and its price behavior.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Only a few months ago, the gold price hit $2043 oz. and reflected a full ninety-nine percent loss in U.S. dollar purchasing power since the origin of the Federal Reserve more than a century ago.

There is only one reason the price of gold increases over time – to reflect the loss in purchasing power of the U.S. dollar. See the chart below…

Gold Prices – 100 Year Historical Chart

The cumulative loss in purchasing power of the U.S. dollar shows up in a continually rising price for gold. As can be seen on the chart, too, there are long periods of time when the price of gold remains relatively stable or declines.

The U.S. dollar price of gold does not tell us anything about gold. It tells us what has happened, or is happening, with the U.S. dollar – nothing else. Lately the U.S. dollar has been quite strong.

The US dollar is in a constant state of deterioration, punctuated with periods of temporary strength and stability. This action is reflected in the U.S. dollar price of gold.


Gold is NOT an inflation hedge.

Inflation is the debasement of money by governments and central banks. Inflation never stops. All governments inflate and destroy their own currencies.

The higher prices for goods and services that most people focus on are the effects of inflation and those higher prices result from the loss in purchasing power of the currency (i.e., U.S. dollar).

Here are two critical points to remember…

  1. The effects of inflation are unpredictable (see The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target Is Pointless)
  2. Some of the higher prices we are currently seeing have nothing to do with inflation…

Higher prices resulting from supply chain disruptions have nothing to do with inflation; but they do provide a distraction which defers attention away from the real cause (see Simple Facts About Inflation).


Gold is not an investment. Gold is real money and a long term store of value. It is original money and the measure of value for everything else.

Gold’s value is in its use as money. Period. It is immune and indifferent to wars, political and social unrest, natural calamities, etc.

Radical changes in the price of gold are a reflection of the currency in which it is priced. Again, those changes tell us nothing about gold.

Inflation, or expectations of inflation, do not impact the value of gold. The value of gold is constant and unchanging. (see Gold And Inflation Expectations)

Below is a second chart which shows the same price action of gold as in our first chart, except that the prices in the chart below are adjusted for inflation.

Gold Prices (inflation-adjusted) – 100 Year Historical Chart

Each time the gold price peaked in the above chart, it represented fully the accumulated effects of inflation – the loss in U.S. dollar purchasing power – up to that point. Those peaks will never be exceeded no matter how high the gold price goes.


The gold price is not declining because the Fed is raising rates. The gold price is declining because the U.S. dollar is strong. As long as the U.S. dollar remains strong, or strengthens further, then don’t expect higher gold prices.

False assumptions based on non-fundamentals lead to unrealistic expectations. For gold investors, the unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and financial loss.

Kelsey Williams is the author of two books: INFLATION, WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT ISN’T, AND WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR IT and ALL HAIL THE FED!

Gold Is Not Undervalued – Expect Lower Prices

When the gold price declines or doesn’t go up according to expectations, analysts and investors begin looking for explanations. As the price drops further, claims are made that gold is undervalued.

Gold is not undervalued; and we might see further, larger price declines very soon.

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Default – Deflation – Depression


Inflation is the primary game plan of governments and central banks. Its effects have left their mark on societies throughout history. As the effects of inflation continue to dominate headlines, financial and economic activity is scrutinized and analyzed with the intent of planning, projecting, and predicting it.

Most people think they understand inflation – they don’t – but for now, let’s look the other way. There is a triple-decker bus coming straight at us.

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Latest Gold Charts – Not Pretty


When the gold price peaked at $2058 oz. in August 2020 it reflected a full ninety-nine percent loss in U.S. dollar purchasing power over the past century. The gold price has not been any higher since then.

The chart (source) below uses monthly average closing prices and shows gold price action for the past five years…

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Gas Is Cheap – Quit Complaining


It hurts to pay $5 per gallon for gasoline. It hurts more when we are used to paying a lot less for it.

For a brief time during the spring of 2020, the price of regular, unleaded gasoline dropped  below $2.00 per gallon. I filled my tank at the time and savored the moment for a couple of weeks.

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