Liquidity Problems Could Overwhelm Inflation’s Effects


In 1928 and 1929, the Fed raised interest rates for the purpose of curbing rampant speculation in stocks. At that time, investors could borrow as much as 90% of the stock price for their proposed investment. The banks were just as aggressive as investors and were happy to oblige.

Raising rates did not slow stock speculation by investors or banks, however.

What it did do was cause a slowdown in economic activity. Thus, as economic activity declined, the stock market continued its rise, unabated.

As the decline in economic activity continued, both businesses and consumers were affected negatively. The money was available for investors to buy more stocks, albeit at a higher cost; but, businesses and consumers struggled with liquidity problems.


The crash in the stock market brought illiquidity issues to light. Layoffs in the financial industry were numerous and swift. The ranks of the unemployed ballooned.

If you were an investor who had purchased stock with 10% down, it would take only a 20% decline for you to have lost twice as much as your original investment.

Now, imagine the plight of the banks who had lent money to investors using stocks as collateral. The collateral was worth as much as 30% less after one day of trading. Bank failures became almost commonplace during the Great Depression that followed.


As might be expected, the Fed did purchase government securities in the open market and lowered the discount rate. It also assured commercial banks that it would supply needed reserves.

Unfortunately, “too little; too late” became the common descriptive phrase used when referring to Federal Reserve response to the crisis which it had caused. That is because the economic devastation was overwhelming.

Unemployment soared to as much as 25% and prices declined (deflation) by more than one-third. The aggressive, free-spending social programs of the 1930s government could not stop the slide and contributed to the length and breadth of the depression. At the depths of the Great Depression in 1932, the stock market had declined by 90%.

The stock market crash was not the cause of the Great Depression, though. The Great Depression was caused by a Fed policy of higher interest rates. Whatever the intention or merits of the action (the higher rates were imposed for the purpose of curbing rampant stock speculation), it led to a reduction in economic activity which was well underway before stocks crashed.


The Federal Reserve officially implemented an interest rate policy of “higher for longer” almost three years ago. Rates moved up rapidly and bond prices have lost one-third to one-half of their value since then, depending on length of maturity. (see “And So Rates Will Be Higher” – Jerome Powell)

It matters not what the intention was or whether it was correct. What matters at this point are the circumstances in which the Fed finds itself now.

Most, or all, of our serious financial and economic problems are the result of a century of intentional inflation. The effects of that inflation lead to a loss of purchasing power in the currency (U.S. dollar). When the Fed intervenes in the markets either directly (by purchasing or selling securities) or indirectly (manipulating interest rates), it creates distortions which have ripple effects and are amplified.

In addition, those effects are unknown with regards to extent, duration, and timing. Remember being surprised at the higher increases in consumer prices post-Covid and economic shutdown. Those increases are attributable to government (and central banks) actions in response to the ‘pandemic’.

The economic shutdown was forced upon society by government – rightly or wrongly. As a result, the decline in economic activity led to huge financial and economic problems for society, including supply chain issues. These problems were met with phenomenally huge financial largesse (inflation) by governments and central banks, which, in turn, led to higher consumer prices (effects of inflation).

After more than one hundred years of trial and error, it is apparent that…

  1. The Federal Reserve causes the problems and crises with which it continues to grapple.
  2. The Fed is doomed to a role of reacting to crises of varying intensity (worse) and frequency (more often).
  3. Serious deflation and economic depression would overwhelm efforts by government to reverse the effects or contain the damage.


There is no path to financial stability from the current point that does not involve a cleansing of huge magnitude. The cleansing will be accompanied by serious financial and economic pain. The Fed is continually dancing with its own devils amid music which is horribly out of tune. The only option left is to wait until the music stops. (also see If The Markets Turn Quickly, How Bad Can Things Get? )

Kelsey Williams is the author of two books: INFLATION, WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT ISN’T, AND WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR IT and ALL HAIL THE FED

Backtalk From The Bond Market


Investors keep looking to the Fed for supposed “forward guidance”. They are looking in the wrong place. Since mid-December, bond prices have declined another 5% and are currently at new 52-week lows. Here is an updated chart of U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (TLT)…

U.S. Treasury bond prices have now declined 16% since the Fed announced a reversal in its interest rate policy and the first rate cut last September. The latest weakness comes in the face of a second rate cut, so it begs a repeat of the question I posed last October…
“Why are bond rates rising at the very time the Fed is trying to move interest rates lower?” (Fed Cuts Rates But Bond Rates Are RISING)
Subsequently, the Fed announced a second rate cut, but the announcement lacked the conviction that inflation is under control and that multiple rate cuts could be expected for 2025.
I don’t so much think the Fed has suddenly had a change of heart. The situation is precarious and the cumulative effects of more than full century of money creation (inflation), mis-management, and manipulation have evolved into a game of playing catch with a ticking time bomb.
Former Fed presidents Greenspan, Bernanke, and Yellen all know this and have kicked the can down the road. Jerome Powell was likely aware of the ongoing threat of a catastrophe from which there is no return. The opportunity to be “numero uno” for a season, however, must have displaced any fear of presiding over a credit collapse and economic depression.

The Federal Reserve doesn’t know what to do; but it probably doesn’t make much difference anymore.

A dilemma is “a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.” (New Oxford American Dictionary)

We are hooked on low interest rates and the drug of cheap and easy credit. Maintaining low interest rates furthers that dependency and heightens the risk of overdose. The result would be a swift and renewed weakening of the U.S. dollar accompanied by the increasing effects of inflation.

On the other hand, raising interest rates more could trigger another credit implosion which could lead to deflation and a full-scale depression.

Doing nothing is an option. The problem is that the Fed is holding that “ticking time bomb” and doesn’t know how long it will be until its world blows apart.


Don’t trouble yourself worrying about who the next Fed chair will be. It doesn’t matter. It is too late in the game for a change to have any meaningful impact. This includes speculation that Judy Shelton might get nominated again. Yes, she is an excellent choice; and, for all of the right reasons.

Unfortunately, that would expose the game of chess being played by the Federal Reserve and its owners. (see Federal Reserve – Conspiracy Or Not? and Federal Reserve vs. Judy Shelton)

The worst possibilities come after something big happens. The Federal Reserve and the U.S. government will work together to stave off any possibility of loss of control. That means that everyone – investors,  traders, citizens, communities – will be subject to a host of new economic and monetary regulations, restrictions, executive orders, etc.

It will be like nothing we have seen in the past and beyond anything we can currently comprehend. (also see Bond Investors To The Fed – “Not This Time”)

Kelsey Williams is the author of two books: INFLATION, WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT ISN’T, AND WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR IT and ALL HAIL THE FED


5 Investments To Avoid In 2025


While most other analysts usually tell you where to invest, I prefer to tell you where NOT to do so; at least at this particular time. The backdrop of a deteriorating world economy, recurring financial catastrophes and the volatility which accompanies them, plus exacerbation of existing problems by governments and regulatory agencies, make it difficult to recommend investments on a fundamental basis.

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Still No New Highs For Gold Since 1980


The intra-day high for spot gold in 2024 is $2785 oz. That is an increase of 34% over its closing price of $2062 oz at the end of 2023. Indeed, gold holders are happy campers and their confidence and trust is emboldened and confirmed.

As the gold price continued to climb throughout the year, the financial media, particularly in the gold space, has treated us to a barrage of headlines regarding “new, all-time highs” for the yellow metal.

In truth, the all-time high for the gold price was set in 1980; and, it has never exceeded that price point since 1980. 

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Bond Investors To The Fed – “Not This Time”


“I think instinctively – I can’t prove this, we’re going to learn about this empirically – but it seems to me that the neutral rate is probably higher than it was during the intra-crisis period. And so, rates will be higher.”  (Jerome Powell, July 2024)

Powell’s comments were from an interview conducted two months prior to the announcement that the Fed Funds target rate was lowered after more than two years of higher interest rates.

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Fed Balance Sheet Continues To Decline


Below is a chart posted and updated regularly by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis…

As can be seen in the above chart, total assets of the Federal Reserve Bank have declined by 22 percent since peaking in March 2022. The aforementioned peak was nearly simultaneous with the announcement by the Fed in March 2022 of a change in Fed interest rate policy.

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Trade Tariffs – The Worst That Could Happen


As rhetoric regarding trade tariffs increased prior to the election and, with that same rhetoric continuing post-election, the danger to free trade and a strong economy is heightened.

In my article, The Danger Of Trade Tariffs, I said…

“Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, ostensibly to protect domestic industries or gain a competitive edge. They are sometimes recommended and promoted by those who think they have identified an “unfair advantage” existing between trade partners.”

Special emphasis is applicable to the first three words: tariffs are taxes.

That alone should be justification for rejecting tariffs outright; however, some think there is reason to consider them in the name of “fairness”. Politicians are notorious for using the doctrine of “fair trade” to justify their threats and the imposition of tariffs (taxes) on trade partners.

The appeal to and appeasement of voters is uppermost in a politician’s mind when the “fair trade” issue is raised. For example, there are certain U.S. industries that are currently not as competitive and profitable as might be preferred. If the imported good is cheaper, then it is often claimed that the competitor uses “cheap labor”; or is “dumping their goods at cheap(er) prices”.

There might also be tariffs already imposed on domestic goods exported to another country, or countries. If a company or industry has done everything they possibly can to be competitive and profitable, the conditions can give rise to claims of unfair trade practices.

The mistake politicians and others make in calling for tariffs on imported goods is that, whether they are imposed in retaliation, or to “protect” a domestic industry and its workers, the net effect is overwhelmingly negative. Here’s why…

We said earlier that tariffs are taxes. A tariff is a tax on goods imported into a country.Currently, new tariffs are being proposed on imported goods coming from other countries. A tariff on something I buy that is made in China, or food I consume that is harvested in Mexico, means it will cost me more than I had been paying for those products.

I might choose to buy the same products after the increase in price; or, I might buy a substitute good of lesser quality. I will end up paying more for what I want, or be forced to compromise. Others will make similar choices; and neither choice leaves me, or anyone else (consumers) better off.


Trade tariffs often trigger a chain reaction and full-blown trade wars can result…

“America’s last major trade war happened after imposition of the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which increased 900 import tariffs from 40-48%. It was supposed to support U.S. farmers whose land had been devastated by the Dust Bowl, but it resulted in higher food prices for Americans who were already crippled by the Great Depression.

America’s trade partners at the time hit back with their own tariffs and global trade fell by 65%, worsened the depression, and contributed to the beginning of World War II.

After Smoot-Hawley, the country suffered tremendously. The general public had little understanding of tariffs or trade agreements.” Tariffs And Trade Wars… by Anna Kucirkova


Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, ostensibly to protect domestic industries or gain a competitive edge. They are usually recommended and promoted by those who think they have identified an “unfair advantage” existing between trade partners.

Trade tariffs harm small businesses and result in inefficient allocation of resources. Trade tariffs hinder productivity and economic growth; and, they can lead to trade wars. The end result is always higher costs for consumers.

President-elect Trump’s suggestion that selectively placed super-high tariffs could replace the income tax is just plain stupid. The results and the mathematics are impossibly workable and the attempt would be disastrous for international trade and the world economy. Besides, a tax is still a tax.

Kelsey Williams is the author of two books: INFLATION, WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT ISN’T, AND WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR IT and ALL HAIL THE FED

Global Credit Collapse Is Deflationary

NOTE TO READERS:  “Global Credit Collapse Is Deflationary” was originally published as an exclusive for TalkMarkets on October 29, 2024. I have not changed anything in the article, nor is there any reason to modify or alter what is written below because of U.S. election results.

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Throwing Gold BRICS At Broken Windows


The latest salvo fired at the U.S. dollar by BRICS countries includes press reports about “creating an international precious metals exchange to ensure fair pricing and trade growth”. Russia’s finance minister, Anton Siluanov, announced that Russia is currently in talks with other BRICS members about such an exchange.

Previously, for several years, we have heard about a potential BRICS sponsored currency or monetary unit, that would minimize the dominant role of the U.S. dollar with regards to international trade, and supplant or replace the dollar as a reserve currency. The attraction of an alternative to the U.S. dollar is hopefully enhanced and stimulated by incorporating gold ‘backing’ into any proposed formula.


To be quite frank, the motivation and driving forces behind BRICS are political and retaliatory in nature.  As the accepted voice of the BRICS countries, Russia speaks loudly and clearly about their displeasure and disenchantment with trade sanctions, the dominant role of the U.S. dollar, and the United States in general. In addition, Russia is unhappy over its own failure to achieve global supremacy.

Throw in a freedom-hating China, which would like to see the Yuan replace the dollar and maybe control the gold market, plus a few other countries with their own axe to grind, and you wind up with BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and the rest).

As a group, the countries that make up BRICS account for more than one-third (37%) of the global economy. BRICS has the potential to wield some clout, but tenuous and suspect relationships between and among the various member countries will tend to water down any “official” agreements and actions. (A similar negative, counterbalance exists within OPEC: a certain individual nation(s) acts contrary to the group’s expressed policies and desires, limiting the potential impact of embargoes and production quotas.)

The BRICS movement is not about gold. It is a politically-motivated, anti-U.S. and anti-dollar movement. Russia and China are more concerned about supremacy and control than in fostering a more reliable and stable currency. Using gold to further their efforts and accomplish their intentions is convenient. Otherwise, they would not go to the trouble of creating the charade known as BRICS and suggesting a gold-backed alternative to the U.S. dollar.


The talk about a gold-backed international currency has gold bulls fantasizing about supernormal and unrealistic prices for gold. This has exacerbated negative sentiment and analysis about the U.S. dollar from those who might otherwise be less enthusiastic about “the coming collapse of  the dollar” and the ushering in of the Great Reset.

The Great Reset is today’s best example of decades-old predictions about a ‘new’ currency to replace the ‘old’ dollar. It isn’t that there aren’t forces out there who are conspiring to bring about financial and economic upheaval en route to their goal of one-world government and global domination; there definitely are. The Great Reset is likely part of that secret cabal’s attempts to bring those evil designs to fruition.

However, in the gold sector, having tasted recently of higher prices for their beloved yellow metal, investors and others are beating the drum loudly and vigorously about negative events that they think will send gold prices to the moon and make them rich.

Unfortunately, for them, their expectations for gold are not fundamentally sound.


The proclivity of reference to the demise of the U.S. dollar seems belated. The U.S. dollar has already lost more than 99% of its purchasing power since its destiny was entrusted to the Federal Reserve more than a century ago. At this stage of the game, though, there is no shortage of concerned individuals telling me how to protect myself against the coming collapse in the dollar. Don’t look now, but the collapse has already happened.

Yes, the U.S. dollar could lose an additional 99% of its current purchasing power. But, how long will it take? Another century? It took gold more than one hundred years to increase in price by one-hundred fold. Is it supposed to do that again solely in anticipation of a further similar loss in the U.S. dollar?

Okay, let’s assume that there is a complete collapse in the U.S. dollar within the next year or two. And, let’s further assume that gold reflects that collapse in the U.S. dollar by surging in price to $100,000 oz. What do you do?

Should you sell your gold and take your profits? A 50-fold increase in just a couple of years is fantastic, but…

If the U.S. dollar becomes totally worthless, and the gold price is measured in hundreds of thousands rather than hundreds and thousands, the dollar price of gold is meaningless. If nobody accepts dollars in trade because they are worthless, then you haven’t gained anything at all. What you have done is protect and preserve your purchasing power. 

After the events described above, you still have an ounce of gold. Gold’s value is in its use as money. An ounce of gold at $100,000 is no more valuable than an ounce of gold at $2000, or an ounce of gold at $20.67. It is all about purchasing power.


It is easy to say that a new currency will be backed by the gold holdings of the nations involved. It is also possible to verify that the gold is held by those same respective countries. However, without convertibility, there are no practical restraints on issuers of any new currency. Even with convertibility, the element of trust is of paramount importance. The U.S. dollar’s own history tells us that.

The U.S. dollar was once convertible into gold at a fixed ratio of $20.67 oz. Twenty U.S. paper dollars were exchangeable for one ounce of gold and vice-versa. As long as convertibility was available, the U.S. dollar could be considered “as good as gold”.

Active convertibility is a restraint on the government’s expansion of the money supply. If too many dollars are created, the government won’t be able to make the required exchanges on demand without losing more gold in exchange for paper dollars which continue to lose purchasing power. As the money and credit expansion continues, the dollars continue to lose purchasing power. This results in a preference to hold gold rather than dollars.

The redemption of dollars for gold increased and led to suspension/cancellation of gold ownership for U.S. citizens by President Roosevelt in 1934. When President Nixon closed the gold window for redemptions by foreign governments in 1971, the U.S. dollar was left without any vestige of  gold backing or convertibility.

Without convertibility, any new currency, even one with the pretense of being backed by gold, is just another empty promise and another substitute for real money, i.e., gold. 


Do you trust the governments of Russia and China, or any quasi-government authority to institute and maintain any proposed new currency (gold-backing or not) that would be a better alternative to the U.S. dollar? As bad as the dollar is, you aren’t going to get a better alternative from any of the BRICS countries.  This is manifestly so, because…

Inflation is the debasement of money by government. All governments inflate and destroy their own currencies.

In the case of the BRICS countries, the proposed new currency is a substitute for a substitute (U.S. dollar) for gold/real money. (Also see Gold Convertibility – NOT Gold Backing)

Kelsey Williams is the author of two books: INFLATION, WHAT IT IS, WHAT IT ISN’T, AND WHO’S RESPONSIBLE FOR IT and ALL HAIL THE FED

All Hail The Fed – A New Day Dawns


As investors continue to gobble up stocks and the dollar prices of most assets continue to climb, it would appear that all is well. Concerns about weakening economic activity and recession have been moved to the back burner. Now, the focus is squarely on inflation.

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